National Day for Truth and Reconciliation; at last


I am quiet. For the wind carries so many voices, stories and truth.

I listen.  Which means I endeavour to hear.

I learn. I see how much I still have to learn and open myself to that journey.

I follow.  And do so with respect, gratitude and humility.

I seek to understand. In that understanding, I see how far Canada must yet travel.

I acknowledge. Acknowledgement that carries recognition that I too have gained from all the truth long buried and reconciliation so dishonestly ruptured in this country.

I am certain. Certainty that the road ahead must be one of full, unswerving embrace of human rights.

I demand. Change. Starting with an end to fighting truth, reconciliation, kids and survivors in the courts.

I hope. But I know that hope is easy to profess and lies empty without courage and conviction, from us all.

I believe. In survivors, families, elders, youth, activists, leaders, land defenders, fishers, trappers, drummers, artists, writers, teachers, and dear friends in First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities across this vast land.

And I commit.  More importantly, I commit to act.

Today.  And every day.


Canada’s next justice minister must defend Hassan Diab’s rights*


Iran’s downing of Flight PS752 – and the justice that has yet to be served – must not be forgotten*