There are times when what matters most is conviction and showing up for humanity.

The man is not only unspeakably vile/evil (same 4 letters) but idiotic beyond belief.

I know what I should do, I'll sit here beside the wanted fugitive from international justice who I decided should be the first international leader I invite to stop by the White House for a chat. No matter that he faces war crimes and crimes against humanity charges (and big deal that he leads a government that another world court has ruled may plausibly be responsible for genocide). Bibi is my kind of guy.

And sitting here all chummy with this criminal on the lam, I'll tell the world that I'm keen to join in his genocidal project of destroying a people, tearing them from their land and scattering them to the winds.

In fact I'll let everyone know that I am prepared to completely take their place over (that's my first love after all, real estate deals). Perhaps you and I can do something wonderful with it Bibi. Once we've finished chasing them from their home; but there really isn't any home left for them anyway, so it isn't really that much of a big deal (did I say deal!). After all, you've already so totally ravaged & destroyed the place I'm quite sure they would 'love to leave Gaza.' That could be our marketing pitch: love to leave Gaza. I'll make baseball hats. As far as I can tell, you've made it a 'pure demolition site', so 'how could they want to stay'? What do generations and generations of homeland mean in the end, really? Over-rated. I gave up NYC for Mar a Lago after all, wasn't so bad.

I'll do this for them. Because I'm like that. I'll build them some 'really nice places with plenty of money'. Wouldn't that be good Bibi? How about we work on this together, just you & me?

What did that corrupt, lying journalist just ask me? I should read article 25(3) of the ICC's Rome Statute? The Rome what? What's an article?

Jointly with another person, facilitates, induces, aids, abets, assists, contributes to the commission, with common purpose, furthers the criminal activity...

All of those come within the ambit of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity as far as the ICC is concerned? I could go down with my buddy Bibi? Like him I'd have to be careful about what countries I travel to?

Not to worry Bibi, I'll tariff the Dutch to death on all their cheese and tulips if that bunch of fanatics in The Hague even open a file on me. I'll tell them I'm ready to do the same thing for you as well. They'll cave, just like the Colombians, the Mexicans, the Canadians. They all know that in the end they have to bow down.

Only thing that matters now, is that there's a buck to be made here. So let's go for it. Jared's been telling me for some time that the waterfront in Gaza could be very valuable. You & me Bibi.

Every Canadian political leader - whether they lead or aspire to lead a party - must unequivocally condemn and reject every single word Donald Trump uttered about Gaza today. They must commit to immediately recognize full, independent Palestinian statehood, before the homeland of a people who have been pummeled by genocide gets carved up for beachfront condos and a Trump Hotel.

Justin Trudeau, Melanie Joly, tariffs or no tariffs, take a stand, the right stand, and do it now. There are times when what matters most is conviction and showing up for humanity. This is one of those times.


What does the flag stir in my heart today?


Human rights matter for us all*